Using virtual worlds for language learning.
Language Land is the next evolutionary step from our soon to be released mobile application Phrase Blaster. Practicing individual phrases has great value over practicing individual vocabulary, but if you really want to make it stick there's nothing better than being in an immersive environment and speaking full conversations. How do we achieve that if we don't live in that immersive environment? We create an immersive environment.
The game will be RPG-like in it's playability, and will feature not only spoken dialogue by the characters but will also feature the ability to talk back to the characters using the latest voice recognition technology. At any point you will be able to stop, pause, rewind, view a conversation log with words hyperlinked to both word and grammar dictionary entries. Scenarios that have been played can be played again so you can practice that difficult scenario again and again until you're confident to use it in the real world.